The ProjectYou Process

Welcome to ProjectYou.

We’re excited to be working with you and hope this will be an incredible experience for you as you continue to navigate your career and future.

Below you will find your guide to the ProjectYou process. All of your 1:1 advising sessions will be led by your advisor, who you’ll be connected with over email (if you haven’t been already). Everything else your ProjectYou package comes with can be managed here. This includes taking your assessments, signing up for your LinkedIn and resume consultations, and scheduling your mock interview.

Our team is here to help. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Taking your assessments

As you know, your first step in the ProjectYou process is taking your assessments. You will be completing 3 online surveys that will provide valuable insight into your preferences and motivations.

Once you complete the surveys, our team of industrial psychologists will send the results to your Advisor, who will then send them to you. Your advisor, an industrial psychologist from our team, and you will set up a call to discuss those results.

Links to the websites that you will need to visit to complete the surveys are included below. Please be assured that the websites that you will be accessing to take the surveys meet the highest standards of privacy and security—responses and personal information are completely secure.

A few quick tips before you get started: Do not overthink your responses. Pick the answers that you believe to be true about you (not who you, or others, think you should be). And, even if questions seem repetitive or difficult to answer, please respond to each one.


You will be taking 2 surveys on this site. It will take a total of about 1 hour to complete both surveys. If you need to take a break, you can do so, then resume where you left off. Click the link below to register and take the first 2 surveys.


You will be taking 1 survey on this site. This will take about 30 to 45 minutes to complete. When you register on this site, you will receive an automatic email from “no-reply at pan powered”. You can ignore that email unless you log out of the site before completing the survey, as it contains a link that will allow you to pick up where you left off. Click the below link to register and take the survey.


Set up your LinkedIn & resume consultation

Your advisor will help you decide when in the ProjectYou process to meet with our LinkedIn & resume experts. Our team of specialists will help you optimize your resume and LinkedIn profile to reach your individualized goals, from looking for your next role to expanding your network.

After you’ve discussed the best timing for this session with your advisor, schedule a time using the link below at your convenience.

We tend to cover a lot of ground during these consultations, but our team of experts is here to support you. If you have any additional questions or want to meet for a second review of your personal branding materials, feel free to schedule a follow-up session using the link below.


Schedule your mock interview

After you’ve finished all the coaching sessions with your advisor, you can practice your interviewing skills in a mock interview with a member of the ProjectYou team. This mock interview will be designed for your needs (anything from grad school admissions, to a new job, or some other personal development event). Schedule a time for your mock interview using the link below.


Schedule your close out call

Congratulations! You’ve officially completed your ProjectYou coaching engagement. We would love to hear about your experience, capture any feedback you have about the program, and generally hear how things went. Schedule time to meet with a member of the ProjectYou team for a close-out call, where we will get a chance to discuss all of these things.

Thank you for being a part of ProjectYou. We can’t wait to see where your career takes you.